Jim Forte Postal History

(800) 594-3837 or (702) 791-6828 Fax (702) 369-9139
P.O. Box 371541 Las Vegas, NV 89137


Search Results - 329 Matches

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San Francisco
San Francisco 1921 machine Reverse Red an Blue Printed Advertising New York Belting and Packing Co.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco 1921 machine Brown Illustrated Corner card Hotel Stewart Some edge wear.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco 2, Calif. 1922 Universal Machine Type Calif. Industries Exposition San Francisco Oct. 7-28 1922 Red Illustrated Advertising Ames Harris Neville Co. Printed Matter.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco 5, Calif. 1922 Universal Machine Type Calif. Industries Exposition San Francisco Oct. 7-28 1922 Red Printed Advertising Great Council of California Imp'd Order of Red Men Printed Matter.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco, Calif. 5 National Council Traveling Salesmen Sept. 5-6-7 Atlantic City 1923 International Machine Type D42 Postal Card Reverse Printed Advertsing A.M.A. Convention Headquarters.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco, Calif. 5 1923 International Machine Type American Legion National Convention San Francisco Oct 15-16, 1923 Postal Card Reverse Printed Corner card Hopkins Grammar School Record Creases and edge wear.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco, Calif. 5 American Legion National Convention San Francisco Oct 15-19, 1923 1923 International Machine Type D42 Corner card Milton Bradley Company.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco 1932 machine Obverse and Reverse Multi-color Illustrated Advertising Welcome Shriners to the West Carley & Hamilton. Inc. Draying.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco 1934 machine Brown Illustrated Corner card Hotel Adlon.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco 1934 machine Illustrated corner card Grant Hotel.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco 1938 machine 6c Winged Globe Airmail Illustrated corner card Hotel Sutter.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco 1938 machine Printed Advertising Randolph J. Olsen Dependable Jeweler.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco, Calif. 3 1939 International Machine Type Golden Gate International Exposition 1939 Blue Illustrated Advertising San Francisco Welcomes You To Hotel Governor showing bridge Bit reduced at top.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco, Calif. 3 1939 International Machine Type Golden Gate International Exposition 1939 Blue Illustrated corner card Stiegeler Bros. Tailors Bit reduced at top.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco 1941 machine 6c Bi-colored Eagle Air Issue Illustrated Advertising Embarcadero Army & Navy Y.M.C.A. Bit reduced at left.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco 1943 machine Blue Illustrated corner card Oliver J. Williams Stamps Keep 'em Dropping Buy W. S. War Bonds Now Patriotic.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco 1944 machine 3c Steamship to Canada Brown Illustrated Corner card United States Army Reverse Label Tied (3) showing baby and stork Some edge wear.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco 1944 machine Illustrated Advertising showing The Hudson Junior Sprayer Local Use Tear at top left.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco 1945 machine Obverse and reverse Illustrated Advertising Purity Spring Water Company.
San Francisco county.


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San Francisco
San Francisco, Calif. 13 1947 International Machine Type Centenary U.S. Postage Stamps showing Eagle Postal Card Obverse Red Printed Advertising Stamps Reverse Red Illustrated Advertising San Marino Roosevelt Short set of 6 Var.
San Francisco county.


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