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Boxford 3c Statue of Liberty and 5c Monroe 1954 Liberty 1957 Boxford, Mass. to Leeds, England. Corner card Naturalists' Directory. Two small brown spots. Essex county. QK571115 $10.00
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Boylston Center Boylston Center R.F.D. No. 1 1911 cds Type 8U 1894-1960 PC Receiver. Worcester county. MA110926 $10.00
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Bradford Bradford c1875 serifed cds, cork killer 1842-1898 3c Washington Banknote. Essex county. MA!751101 $10.00
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Bradford Bradford c1880 serifed cds, circular grid 1842-1898 3c Washington Banknote. Essex county. MA!800904 $10.00
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Bradford Bradford 1897 cork killer 1842-1898 Postal Card. Essex county. MA!970203 $10.00
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Bradford Sta. Bradford Sta. Haverhill 1908 numeral duplex 1c Franklin 1902 Definitive and 2c Washington Shield on 2c Washington Oval Die Envelope to Switzerland Opening tears at top. Essex county. MA060131 $15.00
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Bradford Sta. Bradford Sta. Haverhill 1911 numeral duplex Postal Card. Essex county. MA110418 $10.00
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Bradford Sta. 2c Grand Canyon National Parks with 3c Stuart Washington Fourth Bureau 1934 Haverhill, Mass., Bradford Sta. to Amriswil, Switzerland. No back flap. Essex county. NP341212 $10.00
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Bradstreet Bradstreet 1907 doane 2/2 1904-1936 PC. Hampshire county. MA070102 $15.00
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Bradstreet Bradstreet 1909 doane 2/1 1904-1936 PC. Hampshire county. MA091111 $15.00
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Bradstreet Bradstreet 1916 4b-bar 1904-1936 Postal Stationery Envelope Some discoloration at right. Hampshire county. MA161215 $10.00
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Braggville Braggville 1896 cds Forwarding mark 1849-1919 Corner card House of Representatives William F. Drapeton M.C. Crease and opening tear at right. Middlesex county. MA!960127 $25.00
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Braggville Braggville 1912 cork killer 1849-1918 PC. Middlesex county. MA120823 $10.00
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Braggville Braggville 1918 cds, ms killer 1849-1918 PC. Middlesex county. MA180321 $15.00
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Braintree Braintree 1890 cork killer 1827-1905 Postal Stationery Envelope. Norfolk county. MA!900612 $10.00
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Braintree Braintree 1895 large cds with *'s, circled star 1827-1905 Postal Stationery Envelope Reduced at left. Norfolk county. MA!950224 $10.00
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Brant Rock Brantrock 1907 doane 2/5 PPC (Office that Daniel Webster used, Marshfield, Mass). Plymouth county. MA070721 $10.00
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Brant Rock Brant Rock 1908 4a-bar PPC (Beach Scene Brant Rock, Mass.). Plymouth county. MA080805A $10.00
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Brant Rock Brant Rock 1910 4a-bar PPC (The Beach At Ocean Bluff, Brant Rock, Mass.). Plymouth county. MA100817 $10.00
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Brantrock Brantrock 1918 non standard 4-bar PC. Plymouth county. MA180729 $10.00