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Bristol & Chattanooga Bristol & Chatt. 1908 500-L-10 PPC (State Capitol, Boston, Mass.) Edge wear.
RP081025A $10.00
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Brockton Brockton 1881 cork killer Postal Card Some edge wear. Plymouth county. MA!810129 $10.00
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Brockton Brockton, Mass. 1903 American Flag Type B14 (1) Postal Stationery Envelope Obverse and Reverse Illustrated Advertising W.L. Douglas Largest Manufacturer and Retailer of Men's $3.50 and $3.00 Shoes in the World Bit reduced at right. Plymouth county. MA030603 $20.00
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Brockton Brockton, Mass. 1911 American Flag Type B14 2c Washington Franklin PPC (Real Photo showing studio view of two men) to Sweden. Plymouth county. MA110717 $10.00
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Brockton Brockton, Mass. 1913 American Flag Type B14 1c Washington Franklin PPC (Scene in Highland Park, Brockton, Mass.) to Canal Zone. Plymouth county. MA130303 $15.00
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Brockton Brockton, Mass. 1913 American Flag Type B14 1c Washington Franklin PPC (East Side Fire Station, Brockton, Mass.) to Canal Zone Some edge wear. Plymouth county. MA130317 $15.00
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Brockton Brockton 1921 numeral duplex with sl Missent 1c Red Jefferson Postal Card Overprinted 1 Cent. Plymouth county. MA210824-CJG $10.00
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Brockton Brockton 1926 machine Postal Card Reverse Illustrated Advertising Fogg's Famous Five of Brockton, Mass. Dance band. Plymouth county. MA260917 $15.00
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Brockton Brockton 1934 machine 2c Washington Bicentennial on 3c Washington Circular Die Envelope to Germany. Plymouth county. MA340403 $10.00
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Brookfield Brookfield R.F.D. 1901 sl Type 1 Postal Stationery Envelope. Worcester county. MA010704 $10.00
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Brookfield Brookfield 1924 boxed sl 1c Washington Franklin (2) and 2c Washington Fourth Bureau (4) on 2c Washington Circular Die Blue Paper Envelope. Worcester county. MA240515 $10.00
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Brookline Brookline 1875 cork killer 1829-1883 1c Brown Liberty Postal Card Some edge wear. Norfolk county. MA!750421 $10.00
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Brookline Brookline c1880 cork killer 1829-1883 Postal Stationery Envelope Bit reduced at right. Norfolk county. MA!800305 $30.00
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Brookline Br. Brookline, Mass. 1910 American Flag Type B14 1908-1923 2c Washington Franklin PPC to Sweden. Norfolk county. MA101208 $10.00
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Brookline Br. Brookline 1929 numeral duplex 2c Washington Fourth Bureau and 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery Bit reduced at top. Norfolk county. MA290504 $10.00
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Brookline Br. Brookline 1931 machine 2c Massachusetts. Norfolk county. MA310120 $10.00
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Brookline Br. Brookline 1934 machine 5c Roosevelt Fourth Bureau to Jersey, Channel Islands England Small stain at bottom. Norfolk county. MA341114 $15.00
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Brookline Village Br. Brookline Village 1955 numeral duplex 15c Universal Postal Union Airmail to England. Norfolk county. MA550821 $15.00
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Buckland Buckland 1908 doane 3/5 PPC (Looking West from Church Buckland, Mass.) Small crease at bottom right. Franklin county. MA080723A $15.00
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Buckland Buckland 1909 doane 3/5 PC. Franklin county. MA091225 $10.00