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 U.S. Marine Corps Navy Dept., U.S. Navy Yard Boston, Marine Barracks, Commanding Officers Office Penalty 1896 Boston, Mass. Local use. Stain. LEGAL SIZE.
MQ!920813--LS $20.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps 3c Washington-Franklin 1913 Stanley, Va. to 21s. Co., U.S. Marine Barracks, Paris Island, S.C. Small opening tear at top left. Page county. MQ130508 $10.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps Soldier's Free Mail 1919 U.S. Army Postal Service MPES A.P.O. 710 Type A3001 U.S. Marines Coblenz, Germany PPC (Coblenz Rheinpartie Regierung u. Oberprasium) to Media, Penn. A.E.F. Censor.
MQ190100 $20.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps Soldier's Free Mail 1919 U.S. Army Postal Service MPES APO 710 Type A3001 U.S. Marines Coblenz, Germany to Indian Fields, Ky. A.E.F. Censor. EUROPEAN SIZE.
MQ190100A $20.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps Soldier's Free Mail 1919 U.S. Army Postal Service MPES APO 710 Type A3001 U.S. Marines Coblenz, Germany to Detroit, Mich. Forwarded unsuccessfully within Detroit with violet sl Rebuts and reverse violet boxed sl Detroit, Mich. Sent to Dead Letter Office.
MQ190104 $25.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps 1c and 2c Washington-Franklin 1919 New York, N.Y. Hudson Ter. Sta. to U.S. Marine Corps Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Reverse Label Not Tied showing stars and stripes shield.
MQ190213 $10.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps Soldier's Free Mail 1919 U.S. Army, Postal Service APO 710 Type A2011 Coblenz, Germany U.S. Marine Corps Post Card to Evanston, Ill. Reverse Illustrated corner card American YMCA. A.E.F. Censor. Creases.
MQ190307 $20.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps Soldier's Free Mail 1919 Third Army, APO 927 Type A5001 U.S. Marines Coblenz, Germany 6th Marine Regiment to St. Louis, Mo. American YMCA envelope. A.E.F. Censor. EUROPEAN SIZE.
MQ190623 $20.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps 2c Washington-Franklin 1920 U.S. Marine Corps, Port Au Prince, Haiti to Champaign, Ill. Embossed Corner card Legation of the United States of America. Some discoloration.
MQ200708 $50.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps 1c Washington-Franklin 1920 U.S. Marine Corps, Port Au Prince, Haiti PPC to Williamsport, Penn. Light toning.
MQ201124 $40.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps 2c Pilgrim 1922 San Francisco, Calif. Local use. Corner card United States Marine Corps, The Commanding General, Department of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal. Opened a bit roughly at right.
MQ220125 $20.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps 2c Washington Fourth Bureau 1922 U.S. Marine Corps, Port-Aux-Prince, Haiti to Brooklyn, N.Y. EUROPEAN SIZE.
MQ220428 $30.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps 2c Washington Franklin 1922 U.S. Marine Corps, Port Au Prince, Haiti to Topeka, Kans.
MQ220818 $40.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps Commanding Officer's Office, Marine Barracks, Navy Yard Penalty 1925 Philadelphia, Pa. Navy Yard Station Slogan 1908-1946 to Washington, D.C. LEGAL SIZE.
MQ250513--LS $10.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps Navy Dept. U.S. Marine Corps, The Commanding General, Department of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal. Penalty 1925 San Francisco, Calif. Let's Go! Citizen Military Training Camps Slogan to Naval Operating Base, San Diego, Calif. LEGAL SIZE.
MQ250525--LS $10.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps 2c Washington Fourth Bureau c1927 U.S. Marine Corps, Port au Prince, Haiti to Bramon, Okla.
MQ270426 $25.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps 2c Washington Fourth Bureau 1927 U.S.M.C. Port au Prince, Haiti U.S. Naval Radio Station to Newport, R.I. Crease.
MQ270807 $25.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps 2c Washington Fourth Bureau 1928 Marine Corps Exp. Forces, Nicaragua to Greenville, Ill. Damage at left and center.
MQ280329 $25.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps 2c Washington Fourth Bureau 1928 U.S. Marine Corps, Cape Haitien to Forks, N.Y. Philatelic.
MQ281005 $25.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps 2c Washington Fourth Bureau 1928 U.S.M.C. 5th Reg. Br. Managua, Nicaragua to New York, N.Y. Ragged at bottom and stain.
MQ281220 $20.00