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Banknotes 3c Washington Banknotes (2) c1875 Cleveland O. to Keene, N.H. Forwarded to Brattleboro, Vt. with sl Forwarded. Nicks and edgewear. Cuyahoga county. BN!750304 $20.00
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Banknotes 3c Washington Banknotes c1875 … Town to St. Louis, Mo. with serifed Insured Against Theft oval handstamps in blue and black. Cancel partly unreadable and stamp damaged.
BN!750612 $25.00
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Stampless Portsmouth N.H. 1876 cds Stampless Letter via red New York single-ring and red London Paid single-ring to London, England Forwarded to Paris, France. Origin cancel unreadable.
SL!760914 $50.00
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Banknotes 5c Grant Banknotes 1892 Northampton, N.Y. to London, England Forwarded to Lugano, Switzerland. Fulton county. BN!920928 $20.00
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U.S. Government Postal Cards 2c Blue Liberty Large Format Postal Card 1903 Meriden, Conn. to Broc, Switzerland. Creases. New Haven county. UG030831 $35.00
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1902 Definitives 3c Jackson 1902 Definitives on 2c Washington Hartford Envelope 1905 Providence, R.I. to Basel, Switzerland. Corner card Universal Winding Co., Providence, R.I. Providence county. QE050310 $15.00
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1902 Definitives 5c Lincoln 1902 Definitives 1905 New Haven, Conn. to Paris, France Forwarded to Lucerne, Switzerland, then returned to sender in Berlin, Germany, wherein it was also forwarded. New Haven county. QE050731 $20.00
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1902 Definitives 2c Washington Shield 1907 Bridgeport, Conn. PPC to Montreux, Switzerland. Fairfield county. QE070328 $10.00
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1902 Definitives 3c Jackson 1902 Definitives on 2c Washington Hartford Envelope 1907 Bridgeport, Conn. to Steffisburg, Switzerland. Discoloration. Fairfield county. QE070619 $15.00
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1902 Definitives 2c Washington Shield 1907 Niagara Falls, N.Y. PPC (Indian Archer) to Foochan, China. Niagara county. QE071110 $25.00
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1902 Definitives 3c Jackson 1902 Definitives on 2c Washington Oval Die Envelope 1908 Anita, Iowa to Fleurier, Switzerland. Crease and flap torn. Cass county. QE081200A $10.00
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U.S. Postal Stationery 3c Washington Oval Die Envelope 1910 Bridgeport, Conn. West End Station to Horgen, Switzerland. Shortpaid, so rated opera glass T N.Y. 30 Centimes and blue crayon 30. Switzerland 10c and 20c Postage Due stamps added. Corner card The Perkins Electric Switch Mfg. Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Creases. Fairfield county. UP100601 $15.00
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U.S. Auxiliary Markings Unfranked c1910 Madisonville PPC to Hamburg, Germany with auxiliary mark Postage Stamp Detached Before Receipt at New York For. Sta. Nonetheless, rated sl Porto and blue crayon 10 in Germany.
UX100906 $20.00
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Washington Franklins 2c Washington Franklin 1910 New Bedford, Mass. Local use with ms Unknown There and sl Advertised and Unclaimed. Bristol county. WF101007B $20.00
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Washington Franklins 3c Washington Franklin on 2c Washington Oval Die Envelope 1910 Middletown, Conn. to Winterthur, Switzerland. Corner card The I. E. Palmer Co., Middletown, Conn. Toning. Middlesex county. WF101203 $10.00
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Washington Franklins 1c and 4c Washington Franklin 1915 Stamford, Conn. to Riehen, Switzerland. Some spotting. Fairfield county. WF151024 $15.00
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Washington Franklins 2c Washington Franklin (3) 1916 Greenwich, Conn. to Kusnach (Zurich), Switzerland. Overpaid. Milan, Italy Censor with sl Verificato per Censura. Fairfield county. WF160815 $15.00
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Washington Franklins 1c and 2c Washington Franklin on 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope 1917 Muskogee, Okla. to Seon (Aargau), Switzerland with France Censor 202. Muskogee county. WF171229 $15.00
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Washington Franklins 2c Washington Franklin on 3c Washington Circular Die Envelope 1919 New York, N.Y., Hudson Term. Sta. to Sao Paulo, Brazil with hs Foreign Exchange, U.S.F.R. B. No. 101. Corner card Agents, Bank of Montreal, New York N.Y. Bottom right corner damaged. New York county. WF190523 $20.00
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U.S. Postal Stationery 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope 1920 Waterbury, Conn. to Zofingue, Switzerland. Corner card Scoville Manufacturing Co., Waterbury. Shortpaid, so rated opera glass T N.Y. 30 Centimes and blue crayon ms 30. 30c Switzerland Postage Due added. New Haven county. UP200528 $15.00