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 Atlanta 16c Bi-color Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1942 Atlanta, Ga. Airmail Special Delivery to Philadelphia, Penn. Red sl hs WD Essential Official Air Mail. Corner card War Department, Q.M.S.O., Atlanta General Depot, Atlanta, Ga. Some edgewear at right. LEGAL SIZE. Fulton county. UY420714--LS $10.00

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 Benjamin Franklin Sta. 2c Adams and 18c Harrison Prexie with 16c Bi-color Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1939 Washington, D.C. (Benjamin Franklin Sta.) Airmail Registered Special Delivery to Glassboro, N.J. Illustrated Envelope U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
PX391115 $20.00

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 Washington Washington 1900 numeral duplex 2c Washington First Bureau with 10c Running Messenger Special Delivery Small stain at top left.
DC001006 $10.00

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 Washington Washington 1908 numeral duplex 2c Washington Shield and 10c Bicycle Messenger Special Delivery Stains.
DC080404 $10.00

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 Washington Washington 1920 numeral duplex 10c Special Delivery Bicycle Messenger and 2c Washington Franklin.
DC201007 $10.00

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 Washington Washington 1921 numeral duplex 1c Washington Franklin (2) and 10c Bicycle Messenger Special Delivery.
DC211214 $10.00

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 Washington Washington 1923 numeral duplex 2c Washington Franklin and 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery Crease and some soiling.
DC230302 $10.00

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 Washington Washington 1927 numeral duplex 2c Washington Fourth Bureau (6) Special Delivery Creases and small opening tears at top affecting one stamp.
DC270311 $10.00

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 Washington Washington 1931 numeral duplex 2c Washington Fourth Bureau and 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery.
DC310121 $10.00

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 Washington 16c Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1935 Washington, D.C. Air Mail Field Local use. Illustrated Advertising Sixth Annual Convention, American Air Mail Society August 15, 16, 17, 1935.
UY350817 $10.00

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 Washington Washington 1938 machine 16c Bi-color Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery.
DC380522 $10.00

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 Washington 16c Bi-color Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1938 Washington, D.C. Airmail Special Delivery to San Francisco, Calif. Corner card Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D.C. Small tear at left.
UY380823 $10.00

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 Washington Navy Department, Washington, D.C. Penalty with 16c Bi-color Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1940 Washington, D.C. Airmail Special Delivery to McPherson, Kans. Edgewear. LEGAL SIZE.
ML401024--LS $10.00

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 Washington 16c Bi-color Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1940 Washington, D.C. Airmail Special Delivery to Fort Worth, Tex. MONARCH SIZE.
UY400328 $10.00

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 Washington 16c Bi-color Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1941 Washington, D.C. Airmail Special Delivery to Kansas City, Mo. Corner card Federal Power Commission. Opening tears at top. LEGAL SIZE.
UY410920--LS $10.00

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 Washington Washington 1942 numeral duplex 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery on 3c Washington Circular Die Envelope.
DC421118 $10.00

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 Washington 16c Bicolor Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1943 Army Postal Service, Washington, D.C. Back the Attack - Sept. 9-26, 1943 Slogan Airmail Special Delivery to Gastonia, N.C. Illustrated envelope Back the Attack - Buy Bonds - U.S. Postal Service.
UY430922 $15.00

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 Washington Soldier's Free Mail 1947 Washington, D.C. to Cambridge, Ohio. Autographed Lewis B. Hershey Maj. Gen. Director of Selective Services.
ML470219 $25.00

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 Washington 4c Madison, 15c Buchanan and 50c Taft Prexie 1954 Washington, D.C. Airmail, Registered Return receipt, Special Delivery to San Francisco, Calif. Corner card United States Senate, Office of the Sergeant at Arms, Washington, D.C. Toning and staple holes. LEGAL SIZE.
PX541203--LS $20.00