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 Baker 3c Jefferson Coil and 20c Garfield Prexie 1954 Baker, Oreg. Special Delivery to Portland, Oreg. Crease and spotting. Baker county. PX541006 $15.00

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 Bandon Bandon 1936 duplex 3c Washington 1934 Issue and 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery. Coos county. OR360401 $10.00

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 Bend Bend 1937 numeral duplex 3c Navy and 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery. Deschutes county. OR370326 $10.00

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 Bend Bend 1943 machine 16c Bi-color Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery. Deschutes county. OR430920 $10.00

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 Canby Canby 1938 numeral duplex 3c Washington and 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery. Clackamas county. OR380630 $10.00

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 Cannon Beach Cannon Beach 1942 4f-bar 6c Transport (3) Airmail Special Delivery Without Freedom Liberty Dies 2c Overpaid. Clatsop county. OR420623 $10.00

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 Grants Pass Grants Pass, Oregon 1924 American Flag Type A14L 2c Washington Fourth Bureau and 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery. Josephine county. OR240125 $10.00

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 Grants Pass Grants Pass 1951 machine 6c DC-4 Skymaster and 15c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery. Josephine county. OR510516 $10.00

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 Hillsboro Hillsboro 1935 machine 3c Washington and 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery. Washington county. OR350528 $10.00

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 Marial Marial 1936 4c-bar 1903-1954 16c Bicolor Great Seal Air Mail Special Delivery Philatelic. Curry county. OR360218 $15.00

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 McMinnville McMinnville 1939 machine 6c Bi-color Eagle Air Issue and 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery. Yamhill county. OR391023 $10.00

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 Medford Medford 1942 numeral duplex 3c Defense (2) and 10c Tyler Prexie Airmail Special Delivery. Jackson county. OR420905 $10.00

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 Molalla Molalla 1937 4e-bar 6c Winged Globe and 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery. Clackamas county. OR370306 $10.00

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 Oregon City Oregon City 1957 machine 10c Prexie and 20c Truck Special Delivery Airmail Small creases at right. Clackamas county. OR570710 $10.00

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 Portland Portland 1930 machine 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery on 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope. Multnomah county. OR300120 $10.00

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 Portland Portland 1932 machine 8c Winged Globe and 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery. Multnomah county. OR321118 $10.00

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 Portland Portland 1935 numeral duplex 2c Washington Fourth Bureau (5) and 3c Mothers of America Special Delivery. Multnomah county. OR350613 $10.00

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 Portland 16c Bi-color Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1936 Portland, Oreg. Airmail Special Delivery to Boston, Mass. Corner card Tommy Luke Flowers. Window envelope. Multnomah county. UY360506 $10.00

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 Portland 16c Bi-color Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1936 Portland, Oreg. Airmail Special Delivery to San Diego, Calif. Illustrated Envelope 28th Annual Rose Festival June 10, 11, 12, 13, 1936 Portland, Oregon 'For You a Rose in Portland Grows' showing a purple rose. Multnomah county. UY360613 $10.00

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 Portland Portland 1937 machine 16c Bi-color Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery. Multnomah county. OR371012 $10.00