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Clarksburg Clarksburg, W. Va. 1908 American Flag Type B14(1) 2c Washington Shield PPC to Japan Top right orner clipped. Harrison county. WV080923 $15.00
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Clarksburg Clarksburg, W. Va. 1909 American Flag Type B14(1) 2c Washington Shield PPC (U.S. Post Office) to Japan. Harrison county. WV090311 $20.00
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Clarksburg Clarksburg, W. Va. 1912 American Flag Type B14(1) PPC (Main St. Looking East, Clarksburg, W. Va.). Harrison county. WV120223 $10.00
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Clarksburg Clarksburg, W. Va. 1918 Universal Machine Type DT300 Inverted dial PC. Harrison county. WV180708 $10.00
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Clay Clay, W. Va. 1941 International Machine Type AT/S272 Business reply mail Postcard 2c Postage Due added to pay gee. Clay county. WV410109 $10.00
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East Side Sta. East Side Sta. Fairmont, W. Va. 1949 International Machine Type HDB2. Marion county. WV490802 $10.00
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Elm Grove Elm Grove, W. Va. 1927 American Flag Type A14 PPC (Market Street Bridge Wheeling). Ohio county. WV270800 $10.00
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Fairmont Fairmont, W. Va. 1907 American Flag Type B14(1) PPC (Jacob's Building. Fairmont, W. Va.). Marion county. WV070912 $10.00
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Fairmont Fairmont, W. Va. 1910 American Flag Type B14(1) Postal Card Reverse Photo applique Crease at left. Marion county. WV101019 $10.00
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Harpers Ferry Harpers Ferry, W. Va. 1924 Columbia Machine Type G2WT 2c Harding Memorial. Jefferson county. WV240303 $15.00
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Keyser Keyser, W. Va. 1924 American Flag Type A14 Postal Stationery Envelope. Mineral county. WV240519 $10.00
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Montgomery Montgomery, W. Va. 1923 American Flag Type A14 PC. Preston county. WV230906 $10.00
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Parkerburg Parkerburg, W. Va. 1905 Barr Fyke Machine Type C4-121a. Wood county. WV050510 $10.00
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Parkersburg Parkersburg, W. Va. 1909 American Flag Type B14 Brown Illustrated Advertising The Brown-Kendall Company Wholesale Notions and Furnishings Bit reduced at right, bottom right corner rounded and toned at left. Wood county. WV090317 $10.00
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Parkersburg Parkersburg, W. Va. 1909 American Flag Type B14 Illustrated Advertising Graham-Bumgarner Company. Ragged at left. Wood county. WV090405 $10.00
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Parkersburg Parkersburg, W. Va. 1910 American Flag Type B14 PPC (Parkersburg, W. Va. From City Building) . Wood county. WV100203 $10.00
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Parkersburg Parkersburg, W. Va. 1918 Columbia Machine Type K8 War Department Penalty Card Selective Service Classification. Wood county. WV180207 $10.00
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Rivesville Rivesville, W. Va. 1949 International Machine Type HD3 Small crease at bottom left. Marion county. WV490727 $10.00
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Saint Marys Saint Marys, W. Va 1926 American Flag Type A14 2c Sesquicentennial Reduced at left and stain at right. Pleasants county. WV261019 $20.00
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Sistersville Sistersville, W.Va. 1905 Doremus Machine Type D Postal Stationery Envelope. Tyler county. WV050703 $10.00