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 Prexies 6c Adams Prexie (2) with 3c Win the War and 16c Bi-color Great Seal Airmail Special Delivery 1943 Peoria, Ill., Creve Coeur Br. DPO Airmail Special Delivery Registered to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Peoria county. PX431028 $15.00

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 Prexies 6c Adams Prexie 1946 Syracuse, N.Y. Doubl0e weight to Little Falls, N.Y. Illustrated Corner card Fidelity & Guaranty Fire Insurance Corporation, Baltimore. Stamp damaged. LEGAL SIZE. Onondaga county. PX460123--LS $10.00

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 Prexies 4c Madison and 6c Adams Prexie on 5c DC-4 Skymaster Air Envelope 1949 Boston, Mass. to Haan, Germany. Suffolk county. PX490107 $10.00

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 Prexies 6c Adams and 9c Harrison Prexie 1949 Middletown, Conn. Airmail to Paris, France. Middlesex county. PX490425 $10.00

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 Prexies 6c Adams Prexie (2) on 3c Washington Circular Die Envelope 1949 Concord, Mass. Airmail to London, England with boxed sl Undelivered For Reason Stated Returned to Sender with ms Unclaimed. Middlesex county. PX490906A $15.00

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 Prexies 6c Adams Prexie 1955 Talkeetna, Alaska Airmail to Tacoma, Wash. LEGAL SIZE.
PX550315--LS $10.00

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 California Chico Registered 1939 violet double ring 6c Adams Prexie and 15c Statue of Liberty Fourth Bureau. Butte county. CA390313 $10.00

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 Iowa Glenwood Registered 1939 violet double ring 6c Adams Prexie (3). Mills county. IA390706A $15.00

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 Iowa Bronson Registered 1939 violet double ring 6c Adams Prexie (3) Bit reduced at top. Woodbury county. IA390718 $15.00

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 Massachusetts Springfield Sta. No. 27 1939 violet double ring DPO 6c Adams and 10c Tyler Prexie on 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope Registered. Hampden county. MA390819 $15.00

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 Nebraska Wilcox Registered 1939 violet double ring 6c Adams and 15c Buchanan Prexies. Kearney county. NE390610 $10.00

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 New York Palmer Registered 1939 violet double ring 1880-1957 6c Adams and 15c Buchanan Prexies 15c Stamp Damaged. Saratoga county. NY391125 $10.00

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 California McKittrick 1940 numeral duplex 6c Adams Prexie Airmail. Kern county. CA401109 $10.00

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 U.S. R.P.O.'s K.C. & Port Arthur N.D. 1940 827-D-1 6c Adams Prexie Double weight Reduced at left.
RP400625 $10.00

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 Connecticut Windsor Locks Registered 1941 violet double ring cds 12c Cleveland Fourth Bureau and 6c Adams Prexie on 3c Washington Circular Die Envelope. Hartford county. CT410611 $15.00

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 Military 6c Adams Prexie 1941 Seattle (N. Air Sta.) Kodiak, Alaska Br. 1941-1950 Airmail to Plymouth, Ind. Reverse Illustrated Corner card Kodiak, Alaska showing a grizzly bear. Edge wear. MONARCH SIZE.
ML411022 $20.00

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 Military 6c Adams Prexie 1941 Seattle (N. Air Sta.) Kodiak, Alaska Br. Wash Airmail to Plymouth, Ind. Stain. MONARCH SIZE.
ML411023 $15.00

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 New York Norwich 1941 numeral duplex 2c (2) and 3c Defense and 6c Adams Prexie Special Delivery. Chenango county. NY410919 $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Adams Prexie 1942 U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 856 Fort Bell, Bermuda 27th Coast Artillery Concession Airmail to Royal Oak, Mich. Army Censor.
AP420602 $20.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Adams Prexie 1942 U.S. Army Postal Service [251] Castlewellan, Northern Ireland 13th Armored Regiment Concession Airmail to Kansas City, Mo. Army Censor. No back flap.
AP420907B $10.00