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 U.S. Marine Corps 3c Statue of Liberty 1954 Liberty (2) 1965 New York, N.Y. 14046 Br. 8th Infantry, Camp Geiger, N.C. to Albany, N.Y. Illustrated envelope. Toning. MONARCH SIZE.
MQ650902 $10.00

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 Post 1950 Commemoratives 4c George, 4c Taft, 4c Dulles, 4c Boys' Clubs, 4c 50-Star Flag, and 4c Garibaldi Champion of Liberty with 1c Washington Coil 1954 Liberty 1965 Chicago, Ill. Airmail to Delhi, India. Stain, tear at left, and some discoloration on stamps. Cook county. QL650124 $10.00

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 Post 1950 Commemoratives 2c Jefferson 1954 Liberty and 8c Goddard on 4c Franklin International Envelope Overprinted Postage 1 Cent 1965 Rochester, N.Y. Airmail to Scheveningen, Netherlands. Overweight, so Returned for 15c Additional Postage. 5c Doctors Mayo (3) added, pasted over the notice, and remailed. Monroe county. QL650131 $15.00

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 Tennessee Tracy City c1965 violet double ring 8c Jet Over Capitol, 5c Washington, 20c Monticello and 50c Susan B. Anthony Liberty Registered. Grundy county. TN650400 $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Roosevelt 1954 Liberty 1966 Army & Air Force Postal Service A.P.O. 09694 Beirut, Lebanon PPC Airmail to Chelsea, Mass. EUROPEAN SIZE.
AP660517 $20.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Roosevelt 1954 Liberty 1966 Army & Air Force Postal Service APO 96303 Don Muang Airport, Thailand PPC Airmail to Phoenix, Ariz. Stamp damaged.
AP660613 $15.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 3c Statute of Liberty 1954 Liberty with 5c Washington 1966 Army & Air Force Postal Service, A.P.O. 971 Inchon, Korea Headquarters Detachment (C.D.P.D.) Ascom Airmail to Chicago, Ill. 5c stamp damaged.
AP660622 $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 6c Roosevelt 1954 Liberty 1966 Army & Air Force Postal Service, A.P.O. 09162 Jagers Kaserne, Aschaffenburg, Germany PPC to Palm springs, Calif. Stamp damaged. EUROPEAN SIZE.
AP660915 $10.00

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 Post 1950 Commemoratives 11c International Telecommunications Union with 4c Lincoln 1954 Liberty c1966 Flushing, N.Y. Airmail to Bournemouth, England. Queens county. QL660000 $10.00

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 U.S. Ships 2c Jefferson and 6c Roosevelt 1954 Liberty 1966 U.S.S. Kankakee (AO 39) Type 2(n) to Jacksonville, Fla.
SH660328 $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 1/2c Franklin 1954 Liberty and 8c Airliner Over Capitol 1967 Army & Air Force Postal Service, Saigon Amt., Saigon, Vietnam Airmail to Oradell, N.J. Philatelic.
AP670302 $15.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 1/2c Franklin 1954 Liberty and 8c Airliner Over Capitol 1967 Army & Air Force Postal Service, 96303 Bangkok Amt., Don Muang Air Base, Bangkok, Thailand to Oradell, N.J. Philatelic.
AP670425A $15.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 1c Jackson and 7c Wilson 1954 Liberty 1967 Army & Air Force Postal Service, A.P.O. 09697 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Airmail to New York, N.Y. LEGAL SIZE.
AP671128--LS $10.00

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 U.S. Fleet Post Office 4c Lincoln 1954 Liberty 1967 U.S. Navy, 17049 Br. Naval Station, Rota, Spain PPC to Cincinnati, Ohio. EUROPEAN SIZE.
FP670620 $10.00

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 Post 1950 Commemoratives 4c Nursing, 4c Homestead Act and 4c Project Mercury with 3c Statue of Liberty 1954 Liberty 1967 Brooklyn, N.Y. Airmail to Soest, Germany. Kings county. QL670611 $10.00

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 Prominent Americans 5c Washington Prominent Americans with 2c Jefferson 1954 Liberty on 6c Bald Eagle Air Postal Card 1967 Jacksonville, Fla. Airmail to Hamburg, Germany. Duval county. QM670612 $10.00

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 U.S. Ships 5c Washington 1954 Liberty (2) 1967 USS Wainwright (DLG-28) Type 2n Airmail to Macungil, Penn.
SH671023 $10.00

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 U.S. A.P.O.'s 4c Lincoln 1965 Liberty and 6c Flag Over White House 1968 Oak Park, Ill. to U.S. Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill. Forwarded to Marine Casualty Mail Unit, Camp Butler, Yokohama, Japan with reverse purple sl Directory Service III Amphibious Force.
AP680531 $20.00

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 California Cherry Valley Rur. Sta. 1968 violet 4f-bar 1958-1984 6c Franklin Prominent Americans. Riverside county. CA681106 $10.00

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 U.S. Ships 4c Lincoln 1954 Liberty 1968 U.S.S. Estes Type 2r(E-30a) LCC 12 to Camp Pendleton, Calif. EUROPEAN SIZE.
SH681219 $10.00