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 Fairfax 25c USA and Flag 1990 No Va MSC 220 to Baghdad, Iraq with Returned to Sender in Pointing Hand and sl Service Temporarily Suspended. Fairfax county. QQ901105 $20.00

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 Forest Depot Forest Depot 1873 ms 1852-1924 3c Washington Banknote. Shortpaid so rated hs Due 3 in circle. Edge wear. Bedford county. VA!731003 $25.00

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 Harrisonburg Harrisonburg 1928 violet sl To avoid delay in delivery, have your mail addressed to Street and No., P.O. Box or R.F.D. PC. Rockingham county. VA281127 $10.00

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 Harrisonburgh Harrisonburg 1933 numeral duplex with violet boxe sl Return to Writer Postal Stationery Envelope. Rockingham county. VA330919 $10.00

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 Intrepid 3c Washington Circular Die Envelope 1945 Lynchburg, Va. to U.S.S. Intrepid CV 11 with boxed Pointing Hand Returned to Sender Unclaimed by F.P.O. Directory Service, Washington, D.C. and reverse cds Washington, D.C. U.S. F.P.O. Dir. Ser. Corner card The Lynchburg Newsletter. LEGAL SIZE.
SH450412--LS $15.00

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 Long Dale Missent to Long Dale, Va. 1933 violet sl 1870-1939. Alleghany county. VA331104 $10.00

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 Luray Luray 1933 numeral duplex with violet sl Returned to Sender in pointing hand and blue ms unknown. Page county. VA330715 $10.00

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 Lynchburg 3c Jefferson Prexie 1942 Lynchburg, Va. to Camp Lee, Va. Forwarded to Carlisle Barracks, Penn. with serifed sl Not Co. B. 1303rd S.U. MONARCH SIZE. Campbell county. ML421120 $10.00

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 Merrifield [22c] D Eagle 1985 Northern Virginia, VA 220 PPC to APO 09667, Brussels, Belgium with boxed sl Missent to: Bn Mail Room, APO NY 09107 Mohringen, Germany. Scrape and creases at top left. EUROPEAN SIZE. Fairfax county. AP850312 $15.00

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 Mount Jackson Mount Jackson 1915 duplex with violet sl Returned to Writer in pointing hand Postal Stationery Envelope. Shenandoah county. VA150812 $10.00

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 Mount Jackson Mount Jackson 1932 numeral duplex Forwarding Mark with violet boxed Reason For Non-Delivery Checked and Return To Writer in Pointing Hand Postal Stationery Envelope. Shenandoah county. VA320206 $10.00

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 Mount Jackson Mount Jackson 1932 numeral duplex with violet boxed Reason For Non-Delivery Checked and Return To Writer in Pointing Hand Postal Stationery Envelope Overstruck. Shenandoah county. VA320208 $10.00

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 Mount Jackson Mount Jackson 1934 numeral duplex with violet boxed Return To Writer Postal Stationery Envelope. Shenandoah county. VA340417 $10.00

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 Mount Jackson Mount Jackson 1934 numeral duplex with violet boxed Return To Writer Postal Stationery Envelope. Shenandoah county. VA340417A $10.00

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 Mount Vernon 3c Washington Circular Die Envelope 1945 Lynchburg, Va. to U.S.S. Mount Vernon AP 22 Forwarded to Baltimore, Md. with sl Not at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, then forwarded to Fairfax, Va. with Returned to Writer, Use Full Name and Rate. Reverse sl Directory Service Given by U.S.S. Mt. Vernon and Directory Service Given by R/S NOB, Norfolk 11, Va. Corner card The Lynchburg Newsletter. Creases. LEGAL SIZE.
SH450304--LS $15.00

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 New Market New Market 1933 4e-bar with violet boxed sl Return To Writer Postal Stationery Envelope Small crease at top right. Shenandoah county. VA330216 $10.00

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 New Market New Market 1934 duplex with violet sl Returned To Sender in pointing hand and Due 1 Cent Postal Stationery Envelope. Shenandoah county. VA340417B $15.00

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 New Market New Market 1935 numeral duplex with violet boxed sl Return To Writer Postal Stationery Envelope. Shenandoah county. VA350514 $10.00

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 Newington Newington 1907 cds with sl Missent PC. Fairfax county. VA070122 $10.00

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 Norfolk Norfolk 1933 reverse machine with obverse violet sl Returned To Writer Unclaimed in pointing hand Postal Stationery Envelope. Norfolk county. VA331021 $10.00