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 Washington Bicentennials 3c Washington Bicentennial on 2c Washington Bicentennial Envelope 1932 Cedar Rapids, Iowa to Berlin, Germany. Light toning. Linn county. WB320309 $10.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 3c Washington Bicentennial on 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope 1932 Kansas City, Mo. to Berlin, Germany. Jackson county. WB320309A $10.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 3c Washington Bicentennial with 20c Golden Gate Fourth Bureau 1932 Hartford, Conn. Registered to Zurich, Switzerland. MONARCH SIZE. Hartford county. WB320318 $20.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 1c and 2c Washington Bicentennial 1932 New York, N.Y. Sta. J PPC to Japan. Tear at top and edgewear at top and right. New York county. WB320426 $10.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 1c and 2c (2) Washington Bicentennial 1932 Long Beach, N.Y. to Krone, Germany. EUROPEAN SIZE. Nassau county. WB320701 $10.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 2c Washington Bicentennial (4) on 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope 1932 Haynesville, La. to Tokyo, Japan. Corner card Haynesville Hospital, Inc. Top right corner torn. 2c Overpaid for double weight. Claiborne county. WB320724 $10.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 3c Washington Bicentennial with 2c Washington Fourth Bureau 1932 Union City, N.J. to Bruckenau Stadt, Germany. Toning. Hudson county. WB321006 $10.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 1c Washington Bicentennial on 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope 1932 Cadillac, Mich. to Manton, Mich. with purple sl Postage Due 3 Cents. 1c and 2c Postage Due added. Wexford county. WB321016 $10.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 1/2c Washington Bicentennial (2) with 8c Winged Globe 1932 Stat. Isl. N.Y., Mariners Harbor Sta. Airmail (10c Combined U.S. Air and Surface Overseas) to Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. 1c Underpaid. Richmond county. WB321107 $25.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 5c Washington Bicentennial 1933 Brooklyn, N.Y. to Hohenberg, Germany. Corner Card Levy Bros. China Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. Kings county. WB330125 $10.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 5c Washington Bicentennial 1933 Long Island City, N.Y. to Tokyo, Japan. Tears and glue stains. Queens county. WB330130 $10.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 5c Washington Bicentennial 1933 Union City, N.J. to Bruckenau Stadt, Germany. Discoloration. MONARCH SIZE. Hudson county. WB330306 $10.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 2c Washington Bicentennial with 1c Century of Progress and 3c Stuart Washington Fourth Bureau 1933 Lynn, Mass. to Athens, Greece. Small stains. Overpaid. EUROPEAN SIZE. Essex county. WB331202 $15.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 1/2c Washington Bicentennial (2) with 1c Franklin (2) and 2c Washington Fourth Bureau 1934 to Zurich, Switzerland. Cancel unreadable. Discoloration. EUROPEAN SIZE.
WB340000 $10.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 2c Washington Bicentennial with 3c Stuart Washington Coil 1934 Hud Term Annex, N.Y. to Kempten, Germany. Corner card and reverse Illustrated Advertising Roethlisberger & Co., Inc. Tiger Brand Gruyere Cheese. New York county. WB340221 $15.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 2c Washington Bicentennial on 3c Washington Circular Die Envelope 1935 Andover, Mass. to Marin, Switzerland. Essex county. WB350228 $10.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 7c Washington Bicentennial with 3c Swedish-Finnish (2) Seattle, Wash., Terminal Annex Special Delivery to Portland, Oreg. Toning. King county. WB390615 $10.00

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 Pennsylvania Glen Summit 1886 octagon cds, octagon bar grid 1884-1905 2c Washington Banknote Corner card Glen Summit Hotel Edge creases and bit reduced at right. Luzerne county. PA!860720 $50.00

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 Massachusetts Fitchburg Registered 1932 violet double ring 1c Washington Bicentennial and 17c Wilson Fourth Bureau. Worcester county. MA320401 $10.00

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 Nevada Smith 1931 4c-bar. Lyons county. NV310124 $10.00