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 1922 Fourth Bureaus 3c Lincoln Fourth Bureau on 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope 1931 to Berlin, Germany Forwarded within Berlin. Cancel unreadable.
QH311003 $15.00

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 1922 Fourth Bureaus 5c Roosevelt Fourth Bureau 1931 Hartford, Conn. Sta. A to Zurich, Switzerland. Reverse Label Not Tied 1931 Christmas Seal. EUROPEAN SIZE. Hartford county. QH311210 $10.00

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 1922 Fourth Bureaus 1c Franklin (2) and 3c Stuart Washington Fourth Bureau 1932 Adell, Wis. to Spiez, Switzerland. Toning and discoloration on stamps. Sheboygan county. QH321029 $10.00

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 1922 Fourth Bureaus 1c Franklin and 15c Statue of Liberty Fourth Bureau with 10c Washington Bicentennial 1932 New York, N.Y. Sta. D Registered to Freiburg, Germany. Reverse Label Tied 1928 Christmas Seal (2) and Reverse Label Not Tied 1927 Christmas Seal. EUROPEAN SIZE. New York county. QH321214 $20.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 3c Washington Bicentennial on 2c Washington Bicentennial Envelope 1932 Cedar Rapids, Iowa to Berlin, Germany. Light toning. Linn county. WB320309 $10.00

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 Washington Bicentennials 3c Washington Bicentennial on 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope 1932 Kansas City, Mo. to Berlin, Germany. Jackson county. WB320309A $10.00

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 1922 Fourth Bureaus 2c Washington Fourth Bureau with 6c Winged Globe Hoboken, N.J. Airmail (5c Surface Overseas + 3c Air in Europe) to Hamburg, Germany. Discoloration. Hudson county. QH361113 $20.00

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 1930's Commemoratives 5c Virginia Dare 1937 Chicago, Ill., Old P.O. Annex to Munich, Germany. Corner card Field Museum of Natural History. Light toning. Cook county. QI370910 $10.00

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 Philippines 1P Barasoain Church Overprinted Commonwealth 1938 Cebu Cebu, P.I. Trans Pacific Airmail to Cincinnati, Ohio with boxed Via Clipper.
PH380815 $15.00

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 1922 Fourth Bureaus 2c Washington Fourth Bureau on 1c Green Jefferson Postal Card 1938 Central Islip, N.Y. to Lahr, Germany. Suffolk county. QH380820 $10.00

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 Prexies 3c Jefferson Prexie c1939 New York, N.Y. Precancel Printed matter wrapper to Berlin, Germany. MONARCH SIZE. New York county. PX390000 $25.00

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 Prexies 2c Adams Prexie on 1c Green Jefferson Postal Card 1940 New York, N.Y. Bronx Central Annex to Berlin, Germany. Germany Censor. Bronx county. PX400119 $15.00

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 1930's Commemoratives 3c Freedom of the Press with 2c Adams Prexie 1940 San Francisco, Calif. to Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Germany Censor. EUROPEAN SIZE. San Francisco county. QI400328 $15.00

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 Brazil 1000R 'Education' (2) and 5000R Barbosa 1941 Correio Aereo, Sao Paulo Airmail to Basel, Switzerland. Corner card Companhia Chimica Rhodia Brasileria. Inscribed By Air Mail Via U.S.A. Great Britian Censor. EUROPEAN SIZE.
BZ410531 $20.00

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 Brazil 1000R Steel Industry and 2Cr Commerce (2) 1942 Santos, S. Paulo Airmail to New York, N.Y. Reverse oval hs Moinho Paulista Ltda., Santos. U.S. Censor.
BZ421116 $10.00

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 Prexies 2c Adams Coil Prexie 1942 San Francisco, Calif. to South San Francisco, Calif. with San Francisco, Calif. Held for Postage cds. 1c Defense added with sl This is the mail for which you sent postage. San Francisco county. PX420914 $10.00

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 Mexico 4c Arch of the Revolution 1943 Mexico, D.F. PPC (Real Photo Altar Mayor, Santa Prisca, Taxco GRO) to Onekama, Mich. San Antonio Censor.
MZ430901 $10.00

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 Airmail Issues 5c DC-4 Skymaster Coil and 10c Plane Over Pan-American Union 1946 Urbana, Ohio Airmail to Berlin, Germany. Champaign county. AI460325 $25.00

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 Penalty Post Office Dept Third Assistant Postmaster General Division of Stamps, Washington Penalty 1946 Washington, D.C. to Rochester, Minn. Postcard Announcing Issuance of Kearney Expedition commemorative stamp.
PL460918 $15.00

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 Prexies 5c Monroe Prexie with 3c Smithsonian Institution 1946 New York, N.Y. Kings Bridge Sta. 1914-1962 to Freiburg, Germany. Toning. EUROPEAN SIZE. Bronx county. PX460922 $10.00