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 Prexies 1c Washington and 2c Adams (2) Prexie 1953 Louisville, Ky. to Munich, Germany. Jefferson county. PX531022 $10.00

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 Prexies 1c Washington Prexie (2) with 3c Indiana and 3c Gutenberg Bible 1954 New York, N.Y. Grand Central Station to Freiburg, Germany. EUROPEAN SIZE. New York county. PX540127 $10.00

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 Prexies 1c Washington and 3c Jefferson (3) Prexie 1954 Abilene, Kans. Airmail to Guatemala City, Guatemala. Dickinson county. PX540312 $15.00

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 Prexies 1c Washington Prexie on 3c McKinley Reply Half Postal Card 1954 Returned from Russia to Bronx, N.Y. Crease.
PX540816 $20.00

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 Washington Spokane Wash. C1940 Precacnel 1c Washington Prexie Printed matter Illustrated Corner card and Enclosure Oregon Famer. Spokane county. WA400000 $10.00

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 South Dakota Pactola 1850 4f-bar 1877-1953 1c Washington and 3c Jefferson Prexie Airmail PPC. Pennington county. SD500711 $10.00

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 California La Jolla 1938 numeral duplex 1c Washington Prexie (6) Airmail Small creases. San Diego county. CA381004 $10.00

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 Florida Miami 1938 machine 1c Washington and 3c Jefferson (3) Prexie and 3c Washington (2) Airmail Special Delivery. Dade county. FL381226 $10.00

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 Minnesota Albertville Reg. Div. 1938 violet double ring 3c Washington 1934 Issue, 1c Washington Prexie and 10c Monroe Fourth Bureau (2) Small opening tear at top and crease at left. Wright county. MN380706 $10.00

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 New York Buffalo, N.Y. c1938 Pre-cancel 1c Washington Prexie Corner card Franke Herget Some edge wear. Erie county. NY380000 $10.00

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 Ohio Springfield 1938 4b-bar 1c Washington Prexie (4) PPC (Country Club, Springfield, Ohio) to Canada Overstruck. Clark county. OH380808 $10.00

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 Ohio Toledo 1938 numeral duplex 1c Washington and 5c Monroe Prexie Airmail Blue Illustrated corner card Institute of Mental Physics. Lucas county. OH381015 $10.00

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 California San Jose Registered 1939 violet double ring 1c Washington Prexie and 20c Golden Gate Fourth Bureau Some creases at top right. Santa Clara county. CA390316A $10.00

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 California Missent to Coronado 1939 violet sl 1c Washington and 3c Jefferson Prexies PPC Airmail. San Diego county. CA390726A $10.00

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 California Cummings 1939 4f-bar 1900-1960 1c Washington Prexie PPC Stamp damaged. Mendocino county. CA390805C $10.00

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 California Burlingame 1939 numeral duplex 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery and 1c Washington Prexie (6) Airmail Special Delivery. San Mateo county. CA391128 $15.00

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 Connecticut New Haven c1939 numeral duplex 1c Washington (2) and 3c Jefferson Prexie to France Corner card International Council of Nurses. New Haven county. CT391212 $10.00

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 Illinois Moline Sta. No. 6 1939 violet double ring 1c Washington and 10c Tyler (2) Prexie Registered. Rock Island county. IL390726 $10.00

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 Illinois Moline 1939 numeral duplex 1c Washington Prexie (3) on 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope to Belgium Corner card Frank J. Vermeulen, D.D.S. Rock Island county. IL390811 $15.00

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 Indiana Lebanon 1939 numeral duplex 1c Washington and 3c Jefferson (4) Prexie Special Delivery. Boone county. IN390408 $10.00