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 Indiana Fort Wayne 1939 numeral duplex 1c Washington and 3c Jefferson (4) Prexie Special Delivery. Allen county. IN390626 $10.00

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 Kentucky Bowling Green 1939 machine 1c Washington Prexie PPC to Canada Shortpaid so violet boxed sl 2 Cents Due Canada 2c Postage Due added. Warren county. KY390812 $10.00

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 Massachusetts Fitchburg 1939 numeral duplex 1c Washington and 3c Jefferson Prexie on 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope Airmail. Worcester county. MA391107 $10.00

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 U.S. Marine Corps 1c Washington Prexie 1939 Mar. Dtch. Amer. Embassy, Peiping, China to Philadelphia, Penn. Philatelic.
MQ390904 $25.00

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 Nebraska Lewiston 1939 4c-bar 1887-1997 1c Washington and 10c Tyler (2) Prexies Registered Illustrated Advertising Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Association. Pawnee county. NE390619 $20.00

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 Nebraska Bennet Registered 1939 violet double ring 1c Washington and 10c Tyler (2) Prexies. Lancaster county. NE390630 $15.00

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 New Jersey Trenton 1939 numeral duplex 1c Washington Prexie on 1c Green Jefferson Postal Card to Canada. Mercer county. NJ390629 $10.00

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 New Jersey Trenton 1939 machine 1c Washington Prexie on 1c Green Jefferson Postal Card to Canada. Mercer county. NJ391019 $10.00

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 New Jersey Trenton 1939 machine 1c Washington Prexie on 1c Green Jefferson Postal Card to Canada. Mercer county. NJ391203A $10.00

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 New York New York (G.P.O.) Registered 1939 violet double ring 1c Washington and 20c Garfield Prexie Registered Return receipt. New York county. NY390310B $10.00

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 Ohio Springfield, Ohio c1939 Precancel 1c Washington Prexie Printed Advertising Corner card The Crowell Publishing Company. Clark county. OH390000 $10.00

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 Ohio Cleveland D.P.O. 1939 numeral duplex DPO 1c Washington and 3c Jefferson (5) Prexies Air Mail Special Delivery. Cuyahoga county. OH390304 $10.00

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 South Carolina Florence Registered 1939 violet double ring 1c Washington and 20c Garfield Prexie Reverse Label Note Tied Stop . Fires Grow . Tiber S.C. Forest Service. Florence county. SC391024 $10.00

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 U.S. Ships 1c Washington and 2c Adams Prexie 1939 U.S.S. Winslow Port Arthur Texas Type 3 AG 127 to Buchanan, Mich.
SH390408 $15.00

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 U.S. Ships 1c Washington Prexie (3) 1939 U.S.S. Biddle Brooklyn New York Type 3 DD 151 to Townsends Inlet, N.J.
SH391229 $10.00

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 Virginia Charlottesville 1939 numeral duplex 1c Washington Prexie and 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery on 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope. Albemarle county. VA390108 $10.00

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 Wisconsin Appleton 1939 numeral duplex 1c Washington and 3c Jefferson Prexie and 10c Motorcycle Messenger Special Delivery on 2c Washington Circular Die Envelope Airmail Special Delivery. Outagamie county. WI390615 $10.00

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 Expo New York World's Fair 1c Washington Prexie 1939 World's Fair Sta. N.Y. Bomar NY39-03 PPC (Florida Building) to Springfield, Mass. New York county. XY390530 $10.00

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 Expo New York World's Fair 1c Washington Prexie 1939 World's Fair Sta. N.Y. Bomar NY39-03 PPC (The United States Steel Building, New York World's Fair) to Springfield, Mass. New York county. XY390723 $10.00

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 Alaska Yakutat 1940 4f-bar Type 7 3c Herbet Famous American Composer and 1c Washington Prexie (3) Airmail.
AK401202 $15.00